Chayora – Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance

Our aim for our customers is to deliver optimised total cost of ownership and enabling them to receive the performance from their digital infrastructure that means they can continue to fulfil the requirements of their customers within the Chinese Digital Economy.

We support them in being transparent in respect of compliance and without exception ensure that we meet all ethical and regulatory standards- it’s part of our culture. We have created a business infrastructure that means that we deliver on a repeatable basis. Most importantly we have created a high-performance culture with a carefully selected team who are passionate about what we do, the way we do it and how we do it.

Creating a sustainable business is at the centre of our strategy which means that we focus on efficient use of resources, financial sustainability throughout our business lifecycle, development of people and our culture, development of a sustainable business infrastructure and supply chain and the reuse and development of knowledge within our business which means that we continually innovate.

Download our ESG report

Key Achievements

The following table describes our key achievements in our journey and how they align to The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Target UN SDGs Achievements
Energy Savings

Partnership with a leading domestic green energy provider (LOI) for 100% renewable energy supply for TJ DC Campus

Energy Savings Assessment (ESA) – 60MW (Shanghai DC) & 33MW (TJ 1 DC)

Achieving Lower PUE Current TJ Campus Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) Report & Shanghai Campus Design Intent on PUE Specs.
Responsible Greenhouse Gas Emission Management Chayora Roadmap to reduce the Scope 2 and 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emission through continuous innovation on solutions and datacentre products.
Sustainable Design Features Lower WUE, water recycling
Biodiversity/Site Selection Sourcing inside China only – Supply Chain / Miles Travelled


Target UN SDGs Achievements
HR Policy Intern & Fast Track Management Programmes Established
Health and Safety Safety Training Programme

Operational Safety / Hours of Incident-Free / Zero Lost Time Incidents

Charity & Community Engagement Educational Outreach Programme


Target UN SDGs Achievements
Business Ethics Anti-Bribery Corruption & Anti-Money Laundering Policy

Compliance – Global

iMasons Climate Accord Signatory

Uptime Certification

Supply Chain Vendor Selection Criteria / Quarterly Review Vendor Background Checks
COVID-19 Era Policy & Management System Policy on COVID-19 Prevention / Safeguard / Site Management