Our EVP – EMEA, Chris Miller, was honoured to feature in the latest Open Compute Project (OCP) Spotlight interview, hosted by Steve Helvie, VP Channel Development of Open Compute Project Foundation
Chayora is a new member to OCP and our Tianjin 1 data centre is the first accredited OCP Ready™ facility in China.
In this interview, Chris shares his thoughts about why OCP Ready™ is a key pillar of Chayora’s China strategy.
Original Post here: https://www.opencompute.org/blog/sp-spotlight-a-discussion-with-chayora-and-why-ocp-readytm-is-a-key-pillar-of-their-china-strategy
Click here to join their discussion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuCZ70JFiik