Chayora in the News

Two interesting colo items from overseas during the break, and two from the US in the week prior that are worth noting:

Global Switch has some new owners at the table. A consortium of Asian investors has acquired a 24.99% stake in the company for some $2.1B. The company is preparing for a public listing sometime next year, and the sale of this stake will support current expansion plans. Global Switch operates data centers in five European and three APAC markets.

Chayora says that it is nearly done with Phase 1 of its new facility in the Beichen district of northern Tianjin. The TJ1 buildout is scheduled to be completed in September and to go online officially in the first quarter of 2019. They are also already working on the foundation for phase 2 and planning for TJ2. The ambitious project has as much as 300MW of capacity across some nine data center facilities in mind for the 80-acre campus.

123Net has moved into the cloud connectivity business. The Michigan-based data center and network provider last week announced that it is providing direct connectivity to Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, etc for its business customers. 123Net has been quite actively expanding its reach and product set over the last few years.

And Ascent is bringing in JLL to help bring its ATL1 data center to market. Ascent bought the 8.1MW, 185,000 square foot facility facility last year along with one up in Toronto. They hope to boost the profile of of the Alpharetta facility, which is scalable to up to 30MW of power should the demand be there to support it.

July 5th, 2018 by